Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bigest iphone in the world

Table Connect is the name of an impressively large iPhone-board with embedded multi-touch. Table Connect was unveiled last week and is nothing less than a Multi-touch giant table for the iPhone.
The end of the table coupled iPhone just to and then takes forward via the touch screen, which itself consists of the table. Borden requires an iPhone 4 to be jailbroken and additionally requires a special program to be installed on the iPhone. The new giant board should be moving into production and be put up for sale. The price we do not know, but it will probably be expensive to buy.
After analyzing the video some of the internet geeks sadly conclude that video is false. The video shows two guys standing by a large black board with rounded corners which resembles a magnified iPhone. Then connect the phone to an iPhone cable, start an application and … the phone’s screen pops up on the big board of “screen page” should measure 58 “or 275 times the area of a normal iPhone screen. Table also reacts to your finger movements.

Unfortunately it is not genuine but rather computer graphics. The two guys have been practicing to synchronize their finger movements on the large touch screen “with the way the iPhone navigate, which is expressed a few times where the phone does not react 100% with their movements. But congratulations to them or else to have done extremely convincing.

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